Money Management has been a very important aspect of everybody's life. Then why not manage it through a manager ?
Most people think what big deal is it ? Why I should share my personal financial details to a third person ? I myself know better about my finance And as such so far I have been doing good. However, in doing so they do not understand the value they suffer in making their money.
Had making money been has easy job then everyone who earns money or who has money would have become rich. Isn't it ?
One must attempt to hire a thorough professional who can become your family consultant like your family doctor.
As a family doctor is very well versed with the family and accordingly prescribes the apt treatment and the entire family enjoys a happy life. Similarly, a family must have one on financial front.
One of them is your behavioural finance. You may be an expert in stock market investment or any other investment. Mere accumulation of money at higher rate is not financial planning.
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Blog Views : 1147 31-05-2021